
An Example Study Group

This detailed example is for a StudyGroup which is a kind of practical Workshops.


An Example - This sentence should be a short description.


Current status of project (waiting for input, meeting planned for x date, etc).


Study Group

I got the idea from a book club that meets in our neighbourhood.

A group of avid book readers select a book they want to read. They each buy a copy of the book, and start reading at the same time. They meet periodically, over a bottle of wine, and a curry, for an evening of discussion about their views + experience of the book. It's a lot of fun.



What are Workshops

Workshop is the term for any purely practical session.

The BringABox days usually have a mix of activities, which works well but resulted in calls for dedicated practical sessions with more time for problem solving, practicals based on the BringABox presentations, jointly researching and discussing a topic, software demos etc.

What are Study Groups

See Study Group page for details.

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