Pub Meets

Our evening meetings are generally free-form affairs, we have a drink, catch up on news, discuss technical issues, perhaps have a play on our laptops, etc. Laptops do not always make an appearance at these events!
There's usually one a month, often on a Wednesday evening from 7:30pm, with the third and fourth Wednesdays in the month being more popular. This has been less frequent during the summer, perhaps it'll pick up again as the nights draw in.
We're looking for new venues in the east of the county, as our Saturday BringABox sessions are held in the west. Suggestions:
- The Old Oak, Reigate - worth a try? Quiet, spacious with bar billiards and real ales, but no food and a mile from the station. [multimap] [gmap] [review]
- Running Horse, Leatherhead - worth a try? Quiet, spacious, good beer and near the station... possibly not the right station. [multimap] [gmap] [review]
- Prince Of Wales, Reigate (just by Reigate station) - deprecated due to noise and smoke. The car park is small but there's enough space in the surrounding streets. [multimap] [gmap] [review]
- The Britannia Pub in Guildford - our previous haunt, within walking distance of the station. But, it's in the west of the county. [multimap] [gmap] [review]
- The Kings Head Pub in Guildford - we've had several meetings there in the past, within walking distance of the station. Note that it is on the corner of Castle and Quarry streets - some of the maps are inaccurate. [website] [osm] [multimap] [gmap] [googleearth] [review]
How To Turn Up
Pub meetings are held on demand and arranged through the MailingList, so if you've not come along before simply join the list and lurk, ask or suggest one. Feel free to ask for or offer a lift; the list usually carries some chat about details on the day of a meeting. Usual pub etiquette applies: order early and don't bring food or drink. Laptops are *not* obligatory :) and please use wi-fi in moderation in case it's metered.
How To Organise
Propose a meeting on the MailingList and if there's enough response post a confirmation of time and venue to the list, on the home page and at the top of this page. Take some distinguishing feature (laptop, 'Linux' book, geeky teeshirt etc.) for first timers to find you as they may have heard about the meeting second hand. Please arrange someone who can provide a lift to the station if needed and will be there if you're unable to go for any reason.
Past Meetings
We're not very good at recalling the detail of these meetings, but Pub Meets Archive would be the place to look if we were.