

Bring-a-Box Meetings

We have technical sessions (technical? yes, but with a good element of social as well!) which by convention run on the second Saturday of each month. Bring a 'box', bring a notebook, bring anything that might run Linux, or just bring yourself and enjoy socialising/learning/teaching or simply chilling out!

In this time of Covid-19 of course we're having to put physical meetings on hold, but we do have virtual meetings, using Jitsi. These are announced on the mailing list and normally happen on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. Though you could try dropping in any time, if you feel lucky!

Before Covid, for several years we've met in pubs, with the decision being mentioned on the mailing list and the front page of this website. Surrey is a large county, so we try to spread the meetings around.

Some years ago we were lucky enough to have good relations with several commercial venues, including:

But we've lost these contacts (people move jobs!) and so we're keen to hear of any other companies who would be happy to host a meeting, typically around 15 to 20 people.

We have - for details on these, see the MailingList, BringABox and BringABoxArchive.


Please visit our Bring-a-Box page to read more.


Workshop is the term for any purely practical session. The BringABox days usually have a mix of activities, which works well but resulted in calls for dedicated practical sessions with more time for problem solving, practicals based on the BringABox presentations, jointly researching and discussing a topic, software demos etc.

Pub Meets

Our evening meetings are generally "free-form" affairs, we have a drink, catch up on news, discuss technical issues, and have a play on our laptops, etc. The convention for PubMeets is the third Wednesday of the month - but see the Mailing List and Pub Meets page for more details.  Anyone can propose one of these via the Mailing List.  Lately the custom seems to have dried up, so if this appeals to you, make a comment on the Mailing List and see if people have a thirst for the idea.

End of Year Meetings

Often some variation on beer and curry is arranged at some point in December.
