December 2010

TP-Link Wireless N ADSL router & Wireless dongles

Situation Overview

My Parents inherited a Netgear DG814 ADSL router modem. This is a prehistoric piece of equipment and dates from a time when most UK ADSL connections were 512 Kbits/second. I also believe it was one of the first ADSL modem routers on sale in the UK as it was purchased around 2001. More details can be found at

17" Hewlet Packard

With side mounted speakers, and front mounted microphone.


Disposal date at local tip 29 January 2011 if no interest before then.

How To install Citrix ICA Client on 64 bit Linux Mint 10.

Citrix do not provide a 64bit ICA Client for Linux. It is necessary to configure Linux Mint to run the 32 bit client in a 64 bit operating system. This Knowledge Base article helps describe the process.

Download the Citrix Client

Version 11.100 x86 client English .tar.gz