
How much would you pay for a SLUG meeting?

0.00 - Everything must be FREE. I never pay for anything.
0% (0 votes)
£1 - Price of a Cheese sandwich,
11% (1 vote)
£2 - Price of a milky coffee,
33% (3 votes)
£5 - Price of a pint in Central London,
44% (4 votes)
£7 + Price is irrelevant for excellent quality,
11% (1 vote)
Total votes: 9
MadBob's picture

13 Aug is a beer-fest day for MadBob ! Should the BaB be moved ?

I can only attend the BaB on the 13th
17% (1 vote)
I can only attend the Bab on the Sat before.
17% (1 vote)
I can attend on the Sat before or after the 13th.
67% (4 votes)
Total votes: 6
MadBob's picture

Aug BaB : Nokia or JH ?

Nokia, F'Boro
30% (3 votes)
Juniper Hall
60% (6 votes)
Either, no preference
0% (0 votes)
Neither :(
10% (1 vote)
Total votes: 10
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