Bring-A-Box: 11th September 2010
In some respects it was more like one of our pub meets than a regular Saturday meeting... after all, it was in a pub! :-)
But unlike our occasional mid-week evenings in pubs, this was a full day. Well, full if you count a midday start as a full day, but Anthony does need his beauty sleep! Despite the lack of a projector, there was much achieved, with laptops and desktops spread around and various projects on the go and well discussed.
Another option, for those happy to travel, was to join Hants Lug, who were meeting again at IBM Hursley. If you've been before, you already know what a fascinating place that is, worth the journey. Further details on Note especially that they need to supply a list of names to security before the day, so it was essential to email Anton Piatek (anton.piatek AT with your details.