Prstat Equivalent
Anonymous (not verified) - Thu, 2006-03-09 17:58
Linux equivalent of prstat -a
MarkRound was [looking] for a Linux equivalent to prstat -a from Solaris, which gives an output similar to:
NPROC USERNAME SIZE RSS MEMORY TIME CPU 22 root 57M 35M 3.6% 1:21:22 9.1% 3 mround 13M 8672K 0.9% 0:00:00 0.1% 1 qmailq 1000K 704K 0.1% 0:00:00 0.0% 1 qmailr 1000K 640K 0.1% 0:00:00 0.0% 1 qmails 1064K 768K 0.1% 0:00:00 0.0% 1 qmaild 1784K 1384K 0.1% 0:00:00 0.0% 2 qmaill 2032K 1440K 0.1% 0:00:00 0.0% 1 mysql 381M 29M 3.0% 0:01:44 0.0%
- Jim suggested w, however this only shows total CPU time and CPU time of one current process
- AlanPope suggested [nmon] which can run either interactively or an analyser at a later date
- Dominic's bit of Perl, based on SirajSidRakhada's suggestion of using ps or /proc:
#!/usr/bin/perl # Rough port of "prstat -a" released to the public domain # -- Dominic Cleal (dominic at computerkb dot co dot uk) my @ps = `/bin/ps aux`; my @headers = split(/\s+/, shift(@ps)); my %users; foreach (@ps) { chomp; my $col = 0; my %ps_entry; foreach (split(/\s+/, $_, $#headers + 1)) { $ps_entry{$headers[$col]} = $_; $col++; } next unless exists $ps_entry{USER}; $users{$ps_entry{USER}} = { nproc=>0, size=>0, rss=>0, mem=>0, time=>0, cpu=>0 } unless exists $users{$ps_entry{USER}}; my $user = $users{$ps_entry{USER}}; $user->{nproc}++; $user->{size} += $ps_entry{VSZ} if exists $ps_entry{VSZ}; $user->{rss} += $ps_entry{RSS} if exists $ps_entry{RSS}; $user->{mem} += $ps_entry{'%MEM'} if exists $ps_entry{'%MEM'}; $user->{cpu} += $ps_entry{'%CPU'} if exists $ps_entry{'%CPU'}; $user->{time} += ($1 * 60) + $2 if (exists $ps_entry{'TIME'} && $ps_entry{'TIME'} =~ /^([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$/); } print "NPROC\tUSER\tSIZE\tRSS\tMEMORY\tTIME\tCPU\n"; foreach (sort { $users{$b}{cpu} <=> $users{$a}{cpu} } keys(%users)) { printf("%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%.1f\%\t%.2d:%.2d\t%.1f\%\n", $users{$_}{nproc}, $_, $users{$_}{size}, $users{$_}{rss}, $users{$_}{mem}, ($users{$_}{time} / 60), ($users{$_}{time} % 60), $users{$_}{cpu}); }
$ perl NPROC USER SIZE RSS MEMORY TIME CPU 48 root 102372 46580 2.1% 11:06 3.6% 39 dominic 907404 414804 24.7% 07:42 2.4% 1 uml-net 1600 416 0.0% 00:00 0.0% 1 102 10604 1448 0.0% 00:00 0.0% 1 101 2196 572 0.0% 00:00 0.0% 2 daemon 3692 784 0.0% 00:00 0.0% 1 www-data 2172 744 0.0% 00:00 0.0%
It has the following problems:
- Doesn't change units of memory usage (should be a CPAN module for that)
- Columns are only done with tabs so they break with long usernames