Suggested Topics
These topics have been suggested:
- Stream: Technical
- introduction to the internet - which might cover what the internet is, how it is connected, what happens when you use a web browser
- introduction to tcp/ip
- analysing traffic (tcp/ip, arp etc)
- crafting traffic (embedding http requests in dns packets or tcp/sms & tcp/avian)
- Stream: End User / Home User
- Photo collections with F-Spot
- Get the most out of Mozilla Internet Browser
- Introduction to photo editing and re-touching
- Install Linux on your netbook/laptop/desktop/handheld
- Stream: Business User
- protecting your business computers
- business IT infrastructure overview
- e-commerce
- using open source in your business
- setting up a web server
- setting up a mail server
- setting up a DNS server
- setting up a mail anti-spam/anti-virus filter
- setting up a web cache
- setting up a file server
- replace your Windows SBS Server with ebox
- setting up a firewall
see also: