BringABox Saturday 14 March 2009
University of Surrey, Guildford.
Up to 28 people at peak. The day was packed with talks from Hants and Surrey members. Before lunch:
- How-To Impress, an introduction to giving talks and presentations - Adam Trickett
- Beginner talks at Bring-a-Box meetings - AnthonyR
- Developing Nicely: Digital Photography on Linux - Tony Whitmore
After lunch:
- Websites with style, Drupal style ("Look what I did with my LAMP stack, Mummy!") - JohnW
- Installing Ubuntu on a PlayStation 3 - Richard Crossley
- Hacking [Webconverger] for fun and profit - Freaky Clown
- Providing updates without an internet connection - Desmond Armstrong
- Dual-booting the eeePC - Desmond Armstrong