BringABox 10 February 2007


We had a good turnout, with about 20-25 people present, including a few new faces. Before lunch, we had a series of lightning talks (some of which ventured beyond the target of 5 minutes!) from JohnW, Jim, JacquiC, CliveD and DavidB. After lunch, we had another presentation from JonF followed by the usual free-form with lots of activity and chat.


Red Hat, Guildford


  • JohnW:
  • Jim:
  • JacquiCaren: webmin walk through driven by Wink
  • CliveD: on Xen and rPath
  • David Beer: on his software PCM, a contact manager
  • Jon Fautley: on Xen working (or not) with Fedora
  • General discussion also on the future location for BringABox meetings due to the RedHat move