BringABox 13 January 2007


We had a great turnout, indeed Surrey members need to come along in force or we'll be swamped by the influx of Hants people! :) Lots of new faces, very welcome, some of whom had come from long distances.

Before lunch, the two main talks were both thanks to Hants members, and were videoed ( After lunch (some grabbing sandwiches at Tesco's, some venturing further afield), the meeting was a usual free-form with lots of activity and chat.

Later in the afternoon Anthony gave a short review of Fave 2006 which he went to in November and provided a rather different slant on the use of open source for creative audio-visual material.


Red Hat, Guildford


  • Mat Grove: User Mode Linux: an overview and experiences.
  • Tony Whitmore: An introduction to RSS