BringABox 11 March 2006

Pizza for lunch... with Breezy Badger.
AnthonyR, BillWolfe, CliveD, David, Harry, Jim, JohnW, Paul, Phil
JohnW's home for the elderly (PCs, not people!). Thanks to Harry for a splendid new roadside sign to attract Linux users and penguin fanciers!
Topics from the After Lunch Menu:
- Starter: Discussion about SLUG Meetings @ Surrey Uni
- All were in favour of trying to progress this further. Bill has put in time and effort on exploring this and other options and those present were very appreciative of this. It looks as though there may be Health and Safety related issues preventing us from doing all the activities we might wish, but if we could hold alternate monthly meetings at the Uni this would be an excellent compromise. Possibly teaming up with the Guildford BCS group would be a way forward.
- Optional side order: Clive's whistle-stop tour of the latest and greatest in the IT industry
- Everything last month is reversed and now boring! Everything that's happened since is amazingly wonderful and will be for several weeks more! Clive's infectious enthusiasm was available on tap, along with his giveaway CDs and attic clearout.
- LIVE Ubuntu boot
- VMware Player install
- Asterisk@Home again
- RH8 DVD sets giveaway
- CentOS 4.3 should be out soon
- Main course: BOXES
- Lots of PCs running, even screwdrivers were in evidence with PC entrails being studied (presumably to read the future of Linux?).
Plus, new this month, Harry's sign for the gatepost: