Bring-A-Box: 13th November 2010
Anonymous (not verified) - Sun, 2010-08-22 12:44
This month we returned to Red Hat's Farnborough offices, for a joint meeting with Hants, well attended with around 35 of us.
According to one utterly reliable participant, Freaky Clown turned up, everyone bowed and greeted Him as their New Master, He said something prophetic, people ahhh'd and worshipped Him, then He had to leave and people cried and stuff.
Fortunately several people took photos, though strangely they all came out rather blurry, like this one. And even more curious, the EXIF data says "Created by Gimp version 2.6".
It was a full and very productive day, with RH's facilities enabling us to spread ourselves over several rooms.
So we had presentations on
- Guruplug, by Richard C
- The IODD, by chrisjrob
- OpenSim, by chrisjrob
- The Quiz, by FC
- Pitivi video editing, by Desmond